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Frequently Asked Questions


How long does it take to develop a BSA/AML compliance program with the full-service option?

The turnaround time depends on the complexity of your organization. We will include the relevant timeframes in the Service Level Agreement that you will receive before the start of the service. A typical turnaround time is between 2 - 4 weeks.


How long does it take to develop a BSA/AML independent audit and testing?

The turnaround time depends on the complexity of your organization. We will include the relevant timeframes in the Service Level Agreement that you will receive before the start of the service. A typical turnaround time for a BSA/AML independent testing and audit, including the time required to prepare the report, may take around  4 weeks.


Can I purchase and combine different services?

Yes, you can mix and match the different products and services we offer. It is our aim to nurture continuous and long-lasting relationships with our clients. However, it is not recommended to combine the BSA/AML independent testing and audit service with any other services as maintaining independence is crucial for conducting a proper testing and review of your BSA/AML policies, procedures and controls.


Do you provide additional consulting services beyond the scope of the available packages and what is the pricing for these services?

Yes, we offer consultancy services that can be customized to your requirements. This may include developing various operational manuals, conducting internal audits, performing remediation activities and other related work to BSA/AML compliance. To receive a personalized quote, please schedule a free consultation with us so we can understand your needs and present you with different pricing options.

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